Re: A92: ASM getkey routine without libraries


Re: A92: ASM getkey routine without libraries

I don't have my own routine for getkey, but here's an easy way to make one, for an experienced programmer like yourself:
Take the userlib.asm file I've included
Scroll down to the idle_loop section (I don't know the exact label, but they're written in the xdef section at the top)
Copy the whole routine to your own file
Change it to set d0 to 0 and rts instead of looping when there is no keypress.
Noah Medling

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	include "doorsos.h"
	include "Graphlib.h"
	xdef	_library
	xdef    _ti89
	xdef    _ti92plus
	xdef	userlib@0000	;idle_loop	;OK
	xdef	userlib@0001	;random	;OK
	xdef	userlib@0002	;rand_seed	;OK
	xdef	userlib@0003	;exec		;OK
	xdef	userlib@0004	;FindSymEntry	;OK
	xdef	userlib@0005	;DrawCharXY	;OK
	xdef	userlib@0006	;inputstr	;OK
	xdef	userlib@0007	;getpassword	;OK
	xdef	userlib@0008	;changepass	;OK
	xdef	userlib@0009	;lockcalc	;OK
	xdef	userlib@000A	;idle_hot	;OK
	xdef	userlib@000B	;getfreeRAM	;OK
	xdef	userlib@000C	;smallmenu	;OK
	xdef	userlib@000D	;getfreearchive	;OK

retbas: move.w	Ymes,d1
	addq.w		#1,d1
	move.w		#1,nblim
	move.w		Xmes,d0
	addq		#1,d0
inver: clr.w		d4
	bsr		fill

Waitkey: move.l	d0,-(a7)
	bsr		idle_hot
	move.w		d0,d7
	move.l		(a7)+,d0
	bsr		fill
	cmp.w		#KEY_UP,d7
	beq		padup
	cmp.w		#KEY_DOWN,d7
	beq		paddown
	cmp.w		#13,d7
	beq 		fin
	move.w		d7,d4
	cmp.w		#$7A,d4
	bgt		esc
	cmp.w		#$30,d4
	beq		esc
	move.w		nbitem,d5
	cmp.w		#$39,d4
	ble		\underten
	cmp.w		#10,d5
	blt		\underten
	subi.w		#$27,d4
\underten subi.w	#$30,d4
\loop	cmp.w		d4,d5
	beq		raccourci
	dbra		d5,\loop
	bra		esc

padup:	cmp.w           #1,nblim
	beq		rethaut
	subq.w		#1,nblim
	sub.w		nbinc,d1 
	bra		inver

paddown: move.w	nbitem,d7
	cmp		nblim,d7
	beq		retbas	; (nblim == nbitem)  ==> retbas
	addq		#1,nblim
	add.w		nbinc,d1           
	bra		inver

rethaut: move.w          nbitem,nblim
        add.w           d6,d1
        sub.w           nbinc,d1
        bra             inver

raccourci: move.w	d4,nblim	
	bra		esc2
fin:    moveq.w	#3,d7
\flash	bsr		fill
	move.w		#25000,d5
\losetime dbra	d5,\losetime
	dbra		d7,\flash
esc2:	clr.l		d6
esc:	move.w	nblim,d5

	movem.l	a0-a6/d0-d7,-(a7)
	move.w		#4,-(a7)             ;affiche le nom
	move.l		a0,-(a7)             ;suivant
	movem.w	d1-d0,-(a7)
	jsr		doorsos::DrawStrXY
	lea		10(a7),a7
	movem.l	(a7)+,a0-a6/d0-d7
fill:	jmp	graphlib::fill

;a0:adresse de la liste
;d2:nb de cadre(barre non comprise)
	move.w          d0,Xmes           ;argu de defil
	move.w          d1,Ymes           ;
	move.w          d2,nbitem         ;
	movem.l         d3-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
	movem.l         d0-d4/a0-a2,-(a7)
	clr.w           -(a7)
	jsr             doorsos::FontSetSys
	addq.l          #2,a7
	move.w		d0,Font
	movem.l         (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a2
	lsr.w		#3,d0
	mulu		#10,d2
	move.w		d2,d3
	addq.w		#1,d3
	move.w		#7,d2	
	jsr		graphlib::scrtomem
	tst.w		d4
	beq		\fini
	movem.l		d0-d4,-(a7)
	move.w          Xmes,d0           ;argu de defil
	move.w          nbitem,d2         ;

	move.w          d2,d7
	move.w          d2,d3
	mulu		#10,d3
	move.w		d3,d6             ;argu de defil
	moveq.w	#1,d4             ;color de fill
	moveq.w	#47,d2            
	bsr		fill    ;prepare le fond blanc

        moveq.w          #47,d4            ;argu
        move.w          d3,d5             ;cadre
        jsr             graphlib::frame   ;

        addx.w          d0,d2             ;argu pour horiz  x2
        moveq.w          #2,d3             ;color de horiz
	addq.w		#2,d0
        addq.w          #3,d1                ;
	bsr	disptext
	subq.w		#2,d0
	subq.w		#3,d1
        tst.b           (a0)+        ;nom
        bne             \incremadd   ;suivant
        subq.w          #1,d7
	addi		#10,d1
        tst.w           d7           ;fini ?
        beq             \suite
        tst.b           (a0)         ;tracer une ligne ?
        beq             \line
        bra             \debut
	jsr             graphlib::horiz        ; affiche la ligne
	addq.l		#1,a0
        bra             \debut                   ;

        move.w          #10,nbinc                ;
        moveq.w          #45,d2                   ;pour defil
        moveq.w          #8,d3                    ;
        bsr             defil                    ;
	movem.l		(a7)+,d0-d4
	jsr		graphlib::memtoscr
\fini	move.w          Font,-(a7)
        jsr             doorsos::FontSetSys
        addq.l          #2,a7
	move.w		d7,d1
	move.w		d5,d0
	move.w		d6,d2
	movem.l         (a7)+,d3-d7/a0-a6

	movem.l	a0-a6/d1-d7,-(a7)
	move.l	APD_INIT,APD_TIMER   ; reset APD timer
	clr.w	APD_FLAG		; reset APD flag
	tst.w	APD_FLAG		; time for APD?
	beq	\no_apd			; no -- do not shut down
	trap	#4
	bra	\idle_start
	tst.w	(doorsos::kb_vars+$1C)     ; has a key been pressed?
	beq	\wait_idle
	move.l	APD_INIT,APD_TIMER   ; reset APD timer (1)
	move.w	(doorsos::MaxHandles+$1E),d0
	clr.w	(doorsos::kb_vars+$1C)     ; clear key buffer
	cmp.w	#KEY_DIAMOND+$10B,d0		;press of diamond+On
	beq	\do_apd			;->off
	movem.l	(a7)+,a0-a6/d1-d7

\again	bsr	idle_loop
	beq	\hot89
	cmp.w   #274,d0  ;F7 ==> lock
	bne     \275
	bsr     lockcalc
	bra	\again
\275	cmp.w   #275,d0  ;F8 ==> shut
	bne	\fin
	trap    #4
	bra	\again
\fin	rts
\hot89	cmp.w   #277,d0  ;Home ==> lock
	bne     \266
	bsr     lockcalc
	bra	\again
\266	cmp.w   #266,d0  ;Mode ==> shut
	bne	\fin
	trap    #4
	bra	\again

;sauve l'ecran
	movem.l	d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
	clr.w		d0
	clr.w		d1
	move.w		#LCD_LINE_BYTES,d2
	move.w		#LCD_HEIGHT,d3
	jsr		graphlib::scrtomem
;eteint la caltos
shut:	movem.l	d0-d2/d4-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
	lea 		LCD_MEM,a0
	move.w		#1919,d2
	move.w		d3,rand_seed
\copy	move.w		#$FFFF,d0
	bsr		random
	move.w		d0,(a0)+
	dbra		d2,\copy
	movem.l	(a7)+,d0-d2/d4-d7/a0-a6
	trap		#4

	bsr		getpassword
	tst.l		d1
	bne		shut
	clr.w		d1
	tst.w		d4
	beq		\fin
	move.w		#LCD_HEIGHT,d3
	jsr		graphlib::memtoscr
\fin	movem.l	(a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

	move.l	d1,-(sp)
	move.w	rand_seed(pc),d1
	mulu.w	#31421,d1
	add.w	#6927,d1
	mulu.w	d1,d0
	move.w	d1,rand_seed
	clr.w	d0
	swap	d0
	move.l	(sp)+,d1

;renvoie dans d0 la memoire libre
	movem.l	d1-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
	move.l		doorsos::Heap,a0
	move.w		doorsos::MaxHandles,d0
	subq.w		#2,d0		;-1 pour dbra + 1ere adress bouhh
	addq.l		#4,a0
	clr.l		d1		;mem utilisee = 0
	clr.l		d3
\hdl	tst.l		(a0)	;si adresse = 0
	beq		\pas		; pas de hdl alloue->suivant
	move.l		(a0),a2	;adresse du debut
	cmp.l		#$200000,a2
	bge		\pas
	move.w		-(a2),d3
	bclr.w		#15,d3
	add.l		d3,d1	;ajoute la taille du handle
\pas	addq.l		#4,a0
	dbra		d0,\hdl
	lsl.l		#1,d1		;d1 = totale mem utilisee
	move.l		doorsos::TopHeap,d0
	sub.l		d1,d0
	sub.l		a0,d0
	movem.l	(a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6

;renvoie dans d0 la memoire libre
	movem.l	d1-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
	move.l		doorsos::Heap,a0
	move.w		doorsos::MaxHandles,d0
	subq.w		#2,d0		;-1 pour dbra + 1ere adress bouhh
	addq.l		#4,a0
	clr.l		d1		;mem utilisee = 0
	clr.l		d3
\hdl	tst.l		(a0)	;si adresse = 0
	beq		\pas		; pas de hdl alloue->suivant
	move.l		(a0),a2	;adresse du debut
	cmp.l		#$200000,a2
	ble		\pas
	move.w		-(a2),d3
	bclr.w		#15,d3
	add.l		d3,d1	;ajoute la taille du handle
\pas	addq.l		#4,a0
	dbra		d0,\hdl
	lsl.l		#1,d1		;d1 = totale mem utilisee

	lea		doorsos::ROM_base+$190000,a0
	clr.l		d0
	clr.l		d3
	moveq.w	#6,d2
\look	move.w		(a0),d3
	cmp.w		#$FFFF,d3
	beq		\non
	add.l		d3,d0
\non	add.l		#$10000,a0
	dbra		d2,\look
	sub.l		d1,d0

	movem.l	(a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6

rand_seed	dc.w	0

	move.w 4(a7),d0
	DEREF d0,a0
	clr.l	d1
	move.w (a0),d1
	lea	1(a0,d1.l),a2
	cmp.b	#$F3,(a2)	;is ASM ?
	bne	\Fail		;no -> bye !
	cmp.l	#"68kP",6(a0)	;is a DoorsOS/Plusshell program ?
	bne	\Fail		; no -> bye !
	cmp.l #$200000,a0
	blt \notarchived
;temporary unarchive an unarchived prog
	clr.l d0
	move.w	(a0),d0
	addq.l #3,d0
	move.l a0,-(a7)
	move.l d0,-(a7)
	jsr doorsos::HeapAlloc	;allocates a block to copy from Archive memory
	move.l (a7)+,d1
	move.l (a7)+,a1

	tst.w d0
	beq \Fail

	move.w d0,-(a7)
	DEREF d0,a0
	move.l a0,-(a7)
	subq.l #1,d1
	move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
	dbra d1,\cpy
	move.l (a7)+,a0
	bra \rel
	clr.w	-(a7)
	move.l a0,a5
	addq.l #2,a5

	clr.l	d1
	move.w (a0),d1
	lea	1(a0,d1.l),a0

	clr.l	d0
	move.w -(a0),d0
	tst.w d0
	beq \endr
	clr.l d1
	move.w -(a0),d1
	add.l a5,d1
	move.l d1,0(a5,d0.l)
	bra \rloop
	jsr (a5)

	move.w (a7)+,d1
	tst.w d1
	beq \Fail
	move.l d0,-(a7)
	move.w d1,-(a7)
	jsr doorsos::HeapFree
	add.l #2,a7
	move.l (a7)+,d0
\Fail	rts


;parameters are pushed in the stack in that order
;1 : adress to the name of the symbol to look for
;2 : handle of the list you look in

	movem.l	d0-d7/a1-a6,-(a7)
	move.l	62(a7),a1
	move.w	60(a7),d0

	move.l	doorsos::Heap,a0
	lsl.w	#2,d0
	move.l	0(a0,d0.w),a0
	addq.l	#2,a0
	move.w	(a0)+,d5
	tst.w	d5
	beq	\false
	subq.w	#1,d5	;for dbra

\search movem.l	a0/a1,-(a7)
	jsr		doorsos::strcmp
	movem.l	(a7)+,a0/a1
	tst.w		d0
	beq		\end
	lea		14(a0),a0
	dbra		d5,\search
\false	sub.l		a0,a0
\end	movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a1-a6

	move.w	4(a7),d0
	lea	char(pc),a0
	move.b	d0,char
	move.w	10(a7),-(a7)
	move.l	a0,-(a7)
	move.w	14(a7),-(a7)
	move.w	14(a7),-(a7)
	jsr	doorsos::DrawStrXY
	lea	10(a7),a7

;       d1.w : X
;       d2.w : Y
;       d3.w : Maxchar
;output:  d0 = nbchars  0 si on presse echap
	move.l	d6,-(a7)
	moveq.l	#1,d6
	bsr		Input
	move.l	(a7)+,d6

;d1=x ; d2 = y ; d3  = maxchar ; d6 = 0 -> mettre des *
	movem.l	 d1-d7/a1,-(a7)
	move.b		doorsos::MaxHandles+$24+$11,d7	;sauve le mode alphanum
	move.b		#1,doorsos::MaxHandles+$24+$11

\OK  	lea	temp1,a0
	move.w  d3,d5
	subq    #1,d5
	lsl.w   #3,d5 ; nb de char * 8
	move.l  a0,a1
\retclear clr.w   d4
\retour    move.b  #124,(a0)       ;the '|' char
	clr.b   1(a0)
\WaitKey bsr	Print_Txt
	tst.w	d6
	beq	\@1
	bsr	idle_hot
	bra	\@2
\@1	bsr	idle_loop
\@2	cmp.w	#13,d0			; Enter ?
	beq	\enter
	cmp.w   #263,d0
	beq     \clear
	cmp.w   #257,d0                 ; Backspace ?
	beq     \BackSp
	cmp.w   #264,d0                 ;ESC ?
	beq     \ESC
	cmp.w   #255,d0         ;Valid character ?
	bhi     \WaitKey        ;no => loop
	cmp.w   d3,d4           ;Maxchar ?
	beq     \WaitKey
	move.b  d0,(a0)+
	addq.w  #1,d4
	bra	\retour
\clear  move.l  a1,a0
	bra		\retclear
\BackSp tst.w	d4
	beq		\WaitKey
	subq.w	#1,d4
	tst.b		-(a0)
	bra		\retour
\enter clr.b	(a0)
	bsr		Print_Txt
	move.w	d4,d0
	bra		\end
\ESC	clr.w		d0
\end	lea		temp1,a0

	move.b		d7,doorsos::MaxHandles+$24+$11

	movem.l (a7)+,d1-d7/a1
        movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
        move.w  d1,d0
        move.w  d2,d1
        move.w  d5,d2
        moveq.w  #7,d3
        moveq.w  #1,d4
        jsr     graphlib::fill
	tst.w	d6
	beq	dispstars
	bra	Write2
Write: movem.l	d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
Write2: move.w	#4,-(a7)		;Color
	move.l	a1,-(a7)                ;address
	move.w	d1,-(a7)		;Y
	move.w	d0,-(a7)		;X
        jsr             doorsos::DrawStrXY         ;Print !
	lea		10(a7),a7		
	movem.l	(a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
printf: movem.l	d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
	clr.w		d0
	clr.w		d1
	move.b	(a1)+,d0
	move.b	(a1)+,d1
	bra		Write2

	move.l	16(a7),d4
	lea		stars(pc),a1
\affstar tst.w	d4
	beq		\disped
	bsr		Write
	addq.w	#6,d0
	dbra		d4,\affstar
\disped movem.l	(a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

	movem.l		d0/d2-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
	lea		mespass(pc),a0
	jsr		graphlib::smallbox
	clr.w		-(a7)
	jsr		doorsos::FontSetSys
	addq.l		#2,a7
	move.w		d0,a5
	lea		tit1pass(pc),a1
	bne		\OK92
	lea		s89_tit1pass(pc),a1
\OK92	bsr		printf
	bclr.b		#2,($600001)
	move.l		$78,d5	;sauve l'ancienne adresse de trap 2
	move.l		#ONKEY,$78 ;installe la mienne
	move.l		APD_INIT,d7
	move.l		#100,APD_INIT
	moveq.w	#63,d1
	moveq.w	#59,d2
	moveq.w	#10,d3
	bne		\OK92
	moveq.w	#50,d1	;+10
	moveq.w	#48,d2	;+15
	moveq.w	#10,d3
\OK92	clr.w		d6
	bsr		Input

	move.l		d5,$78	;restore l'adresse de trap 2
	bset.b		#2,($600001)
	move.l		d7,APD_INIT
	movem.L	d0-d2/a0-a1,-(a7)
	move.w		a5,-(a7)
	jsr		doorsos::FontSetSys
	addq.l		#2,a7
	movem.l	(a7)+,d0-d2/a0-a1
	tst.w           d0
	beq             wrong
	lea             pword(pc),a1
	bsr             strcomp
wrong:	clr.w	d0
	trap	#1
	movem.l		(a7)+,d0/d2-d7/a0-a6
ONKEY:	rte

	movem.l		d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
	bsr             getpassword
	tst             d1
	bne             \exit         ;si mauvais pass => retourne
;obtenir le nveau pass
	lea		(npword+2)(pc),a0
	jsr		graphlib::smallbox

	clr.w		-(a7)
	jsr		doorsos::FontSetSys
	addq.l		#2,a7
	lea		npword(pc),a1
	moveq.w	#59,d2
	moveq.w	#63,d1
	bne		\OK92
	lea		s89_npword(pc),a1
	moveq.w	#48,d2
	moveq.w	#50,d1
\OK92	bsr		\smallbsr	;demande le pass

	lea		temppass,a2
	move.l		a2,a3
\cpy	move.b		(a0)+,(a3)+	;copie le pass obtenu
	dbra		d0,\cpy

;demande la confirmation
	lea		confirm(pc),a1
	moveq.w	#84,d2
	moveq.w	#63,d1
	bne		\OK92i
	lea		s89_confirm(pc),a1
	moveq.w	#70,d2
	moveq.w	#50,d1
\OK92i	bsr		\smallbsr
	move.l		a2,a1
	bsr		strcomp
	tst.w		d1
	beq		\okconfirm
; si la confirmation est differente
	pea		badconf(pc)
	jsr		doorsos::ST_showHelp
	addq.l		#4,a7
	bra		\debut
	lea		pword(pc),a1
\copy	move.b		(a0)+,(a1)+
	dbra		d0,\copy
\exit	movem.l		(a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
	rts                     ;retour à options
	bsr		printf
	moveq.w	#10,d3
	clr.w		d6
	bsr		Input
	tst.w		d0
	bne		\OK
	addq.l		#4,a7
	bra		\exit
\OK	rts

;a0 et a1 chaine a comparer 
	movem.l	d0/d2/a0-a1,-(a7)
	movem.l	a0/a1,-(a7)
	jsr		doorsos::strcmp
	addq.l		#8,a7
	move.w		d0,d1
	movem.l	(a7)+,d0/d2/a0-a1

; Program data

char	dc.b	0,0
stars		dc.b "*",0
pword		dc.b "doors",0,0,0,0,0,0
npword		dc.b 53,44,"Enter the new Doorspass:",0
tit1pass	dc.b 53,44,"Enter the current Doorspass:",0
mespass	dc.b "Doors Password Protection",0
confirm	dc.b 53,71,"Confirm the Doorspass:",0
badconf	dc.b "Password confirmation failed",0

s89_npword	dc.b 40,38,"Enter the new Doorspass:",0
s89_tit1pass	dc.b 32,38,"Enter the current Doorspass:",0
s89_confirm	dc.b 40,60,"Confirm the Doorspass:",0

temppass	ds.b	11
temp1           dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
nbitem	dc.w 0
Xmes    dc.w 0
Ymes    dc.w 0
nblim   dc.w 0
nbinc   dc.w 0
Font	dc.w 0
