A92: Virtual Ti-89/92(+)
A92: Virtual Ti-89/92(+)
I am trying to debug a simple program using Rusty's graphical ti
emulator. When I set the break point for program entry, and the run
program, the debugger enters a long segment of code that I think is part of
the loader, but I am not sure. I can seemingly single step through this
(os)? code forever and never reach the beggining of my program. Can
someone help me and tell me where I need to set the breakpoints in order to
enter my code.
Thank you very much for any help you can give.
I've temorarily worked around it by setting the emulator to break on a
read to some dummy location, and then being sure to read from the dummy
location at the beggining of my code. But is there a better way that I
don't know about? Hopeing someone can help!