A92: Re: Re: keyb matrix


A92: Re: Re: keyb matrix

Thank you very much Klaus. Very usefull !
Thank you again.

MP <philhuck@club-internet.fr> <http://mp.i-france.com>

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Klaus <lukas1@xpoint.at>
À : Assembly 92 <assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org>
Date : dimanche 27 septembre 1998 20:47
Objet : A92: Re: keyb matrix

>Hi Raphaël !
>In order to read all keys directly from the matrix, you should first get
>of the auto-int 1-7 at the beginning of the program. (speeds program up, no
>indicators like 2nd,Shift, Alpha,Busy...) Due to the fact you have asked
>a ClearScreenRoutine I have included one for gray4lib and one for standard
>black & white programs. Everytime you want to read keys, call the Getkey
>Routine first. It loads the actual setting of the keyboard into the keystat
>memory adress. The Keyboard Routine then checks wether a specific key has
>been pressed or not.
>Klaus Lukaschek
>- - - - - - - -
>movem.l d0-d1/a0,-(a7)
>clr.l    d0
>move.l #959,d1
>lea LCD_MEM,a0
>move.l d0,(a0)+
>dbra d1,ClearScreenLoop
>movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1/a0
>movem.l d0/a0-a1,-(a7)
>move.l #959,d0
>move.l gray4lib::plane1,a0
>move.l gray4lib::plane0,a1
>clr.l (a0)+
>clr.l (a1)+
>dbra d0,RepClr
>movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0-a1
>movem.l d0-d1/a0,-(a7)
>lea keystat(pc),a0
>move.w #$FFFE,d0
>move.w #9,d1
>move.w d0,$600018
>move.b $60001B,(a0)+
>rol.w #1,d0
>dbra.w d1,GetKeys
>movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1/a0
>bsr Getkey
>btst.b #3,keystat    ;checks if bit 3 of keystat row 0 is active=pressed(1)
>or inactive=notpressed(0)  (89:Right)
>beq Routine1
>btst.b #1,keystat    ;checks if bit 1 of keystat row 0 is on or off
>beq Routine2
>btst.b #5,keystat+5    ;checks if bit 5 of keystat row 5 is on or off
>beq Routine3
>btst.b #4,keystat       ;checks if bit 4 of keystat row 0 is on or off
>beq Routine4
>btst.b #0,keystat+6    ;checks if bit 0 of keystat row 6 is on or off
>beq End
>;Other code or calls
>bra Keyboard
>move.l #$700,d0
>trap #1
>bclr.b #2,$600001
>move.l $64,oldint1
>move.l $68,oldint2
>move.l $6C,oldint3
>move.l $70,oldint4
>move.l $74,oldint5
>move.l $78,oldint6
>move.l $7C,oldint7
>move.l #AutoInt_1,$64
>move.l #AutoInt_2,$68
>move.l #AutoInt_3,$6C
>move.l #AutoInt_4,$70
>move.l #AutoInt_5,$74
>move.l #AutoInt_6,$78
>move.l #AutoInt_7,$7C
>bset.b #2,$600001
>trap #1
>;activate gray4lib if you want
>bsr    ClearScreen            ;if no gray4lib active(only black & white,
>bsr    ClearGrayScreen    ;if gray4lib active
>;other code
>bsr    Keyboard                ;this is the main_loop of the program
>;deactivate gray4lib if you want
>move.l #$700,d0
>trap #1
>bclr.b #2,$600001
>move.l oldint1,$64
>move.l oldint2,$68
>move.l oldint3,$6C
>move.l oldint4,$70
>move.l oldint5,$74
>move.l oldint6,$78
>move.l oldint7,$7C
>bset.b #2,$600001
>trap #1
>oldint1 dc.l 0
>oldint2 dc.l 0
>oldint3 dc.l 0
>oldint4 dc.l 0
>oldint5 dc.l 0
>oldint6 dc.l 0
>oldint7 dc.l 0
>keystat    ds.b    10
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Raphaël HUCK <philhuck@club-internet.fr>
>An: assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org>
>Datum: Sonntag, 27. September 1998 19:43
>Betreff: A92: keyb matrix
>>How do I use the keyboard matrix instead of flib::idle_loop ?
>>Thank you.
>>MP <philhuck@club-internet.fr> <http://mp.i-france.com>