Re: A92: problems with sending own asm progie.


Re: A92: problems with sending own asm progie.

I moved it to the same folder as flink.exe and it DID THE SAME THING ?!?:

Sending "C:\WINDO"...done

and the file was located in c:\fargo\bin\ ?

My guess is that something has gone wrong doing the assembling of the

I've changed the asm92p.bat to make it work maybe i've should not have done

-----Original Message-----
From: Niklas Brunlid <>
To: <>
Date: 14. september 1998 20:26
Subject: Re: A92: problems with sending own asm progie.

>At 18:27 1998-09-14 +0200, you wrote:
>>I've made my first steps into the world of 68K asm.
>>now here's my problem:
>>I've assembled my program and made a .9xz file(with the programs from
>>wagners site)  which I would like to send to my calc and test.
>>When I use flink.exe provided with fargo It says that it's sending the
>>program but it does not display the name of the file.
>>Instead it shows some of the path were my file is located. :
>>Enter name of variable file (wildcards allowed)
>>Sending "HELLO.9XZ"...
>>Sending "C:\WINDO"...done   <============  "Normally" it would say:
>One possability is that FLink doesn't support paths - you may have to run
>it from the correct directory.
>Niklas Brunlid -
>PQF Quote follows:
>"The significant owl hoots in the night."
>        -- (Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!)