A92: Re: System informations about TI92 plus


A92: Re: System informations about TI92 plus

Lock schrieb:
> Hi, I search informations about the memory of TI92
> Could someone answer these questions please!
> Or give a site to visit...
> Where is located the memory (ies) of TI92, TI92II and plus?
>   on the calculate   ---> only RAM ??
>   on the module (I,II,Plus) ---> ROM and RAM??

For hte plus refer to my mails to this list not long ago
RAM $0-$3ffff
ROM $400000-$5?????
ARCHIVE $5a0000-$5fffff or $590000-$5effff>
> What are the physical adresses of the ROM and RAM
> for the 3 calculates?
> (differences between plus and II)
plus has got more maths some new commands and archive
> How much memory have the Plus Module ?
>    ROM FLASH(1.0)  + RAM (128k)  +
>    Archive memory   (Also RAM?)  
384k archive + 256k ram
> What does the calculate when it "archives" a file?
tried to find out but my disas doesn't work correct at the moment

> Thanks for your help !
> Ben, FRANCE (Don't blame me for mistakes!)
