RE:A92:Xetal and Doors for the TI92 Plus


RE:A92:Xetal and Doors for the TI92 Plus

>Moreover, I would like to know how to make Xetal view a text from an asm
>prog ad Doors does. In fact, I'd like to make an assembly prog which
>will let me select texts from a Pop Up menu ( by using userlib library )
>and then view them by running Xetal.

The tips for doing that was found by Sacha Kaercher and me,
Benoit SCHERRER, for my PCTools98 viewers.
Then we inform the Doors team how to do it, for making it compatible without
using something else for Xetal.

In a viewer program (like farginfo, pictview, and it is what
use Xetal), the FIRST instruction MUST be a short 
jump of 2 bytes. (the hexa code is 60 02).
When PCTools98 call Xetal for editing a text, it first check
that. (so you can't include files with asm code at the beginning
of the program.)
the next two bytes (=word) is a value to give to the viewer. For
xetal, it is the handle of the text file.

so the code of the beginning of Xetal is :

_main:	bra.s	\skipdata
hdl	dc.w	0
	and then the program continue.

So if you want to call Xetal for editing a text file, you have just to :
- take the handle of xetal
- get its RAM addr
- and modify directly the hdl var. the offset in a viewer compiled code
is always $1C (if I don't make a mistake).
so if a0 is the addr of Xetal in memory, just make :
move	your_handle, $1C(a0)

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