A92: Another plusshell error
A92: Another plusshell error
Yesterday I installed your version 0.9 of plusshell and then started my
disassembler that before worked fine. It suddenly didn't disassemble correctly,
that is necessary strings are no more at the required place perhaps due to your
new bss-support. What do you think?
example: before 4217f4: move.w #$2500,sr
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
after 4217f4: movem.l a0/a2/a5,#$48e7fffe
movem.l d1/d5-d6/a0-a5,-(a7)
or 421806: move.b #$ff,$60001a
tst.w $5cee
beq $42182a
bsr $421cac is now
421806: move.b #$ff,???
/<?<.w #$1a,-(a0)
pea $5cee
Greetings A.K.