Re: A92: Hey! Good Programmers, look at this!


Re: A92: Hey! Good Programmers, look at this!

Adam Kutell wrote:
> David,
> I've been a FORTH programmer since about 1982.  I look forward to
> writing stuff on my TI92 using FORTH.  Do you plan to support all the
> system/rom calls through FORTH subroutines?  The Forth Interest Group
> (FIG) is the governing body of standardization.  Their web page is:
> Thanks,
> Adam

Yes, I think I will support the standard Forth output routines
('.' and '." ... "'), the most important ROM routines, and a lot of
graphic routines, from a FORTHlib - library, I'm going to programm.
You mentioned, that you have allready been programming FORTH. I did
never programm FORTH yet. The only thing I have is a Book, that
describes the complete structure and implementation technics of FORTH
systems. The book describes the FIG-Forth standard from 1989, and
describes some of the differences to the newer FORTH 83 standard.
Some of the things I read about FORTH 83 seem to be better than
in FORTH 83 (The implementation CREATE ... DOES> is a little bit
faster, and secundary and primary definition words can be handled
in the same way). It would be very nice, if you could send me some
sample programms, and/or information about routines that where added 
since 1989 or about routines you expect to be practical. I will
also watch the web page of FIG, the next time I can get intenet

After all I think, that my FORTH wouldn't be completely compatible
with other FORTH compilers. I will add some routines, I expect to 
be useful, and perhaps I will remove some routines. However, I hope
that I will get some information or suggestions from you people, who
allready programmed with FORTH.

I am expecially interested in How are vocabulary, strings and 
floating/fixed point arithmetics are implemented in current FORTH

		David Kühling.

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