A92: Forth and assembly
A92: Forth and assembly
I have a version of ANS Forth (i.e. the latest version) written in
assembler for the Apple IIGS, 68??? (can't remember what the chip is
anymore - wrote it in '95) which I was seriously considering 'porting'
to the TI-92+ - there are a number of issues that would need to be
ironed out; however, the majority of the assembly is fairly generic and
with some obvious modification would work fine. I would love a Forth
interpreter on the TI-92 and it would be a great way to test assembled
code if that was what one wanted to do.
If somebody wants to dive in and do it sooner (I have little time
available), I could certainly make a somewhat commented listing
availiable; I won't guarantee the speed of some of the routines since
this was one of my first attempts in GS assembly, but it was relatively
bug free. Amusingly enough some of this was 'ported' from x86 assembly.
Ed Wall
On Thu, 10 Sep 1998 12:23:12 -0400 Adam.Kutell@OmegaResearch.com (Adam
Kutell) wrote:
>I've been a FORTH programmer since about 1982. I look forward to
>writing stuff on my TI92 using FORTH. Do you plan to support all the
>system/rom calls through FORTH subroutines? The Forth Interest Group
>(FIG) is the governing body of standardization. Their web page is:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: David Kühling [mailto:dkuehlin@hell1og.be.schule.de]
>Sent: Thursday, September 10, 1998 6:05 AM
>To: assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: Re: A92: Hey! Good Programmers, look at this!
>Florian TRAVERSE wrote:
>> What do you think about a on-calc assembly
>> compiler(especially for ti-92+: Do you need a
>> server to compile your C or your pascal
>> programme?No, so why should we do this for the
>> calc?)? the code would be store in a string or a
>> text (compressed perhaps), and it could be coupled
>> to a debugger, that could work with real variables
>> names, we could select in the compiler the
>> variables that we want to see in the
>> debugger,etc...
>> I think it's a really good project: if I knew how
>> to assemble and disassemble, perhaps I should do
>> this, because I really prefer work on the calc
>> instead of computer...
>> What do you think about that YOU?
>> Florian TRAVERSE
>> floriantraverse@infonie.fr
>> @+
>I plan to programm a FORTH compiler/interpreter - system for the TI-92
>calculator within the next holidays (in some months). This is a quite
>effective, but still low level language. It will be a mixture of
>command shell, developement environment and compiler.
>If anyone has informations about current FORTH standards, could you
>send them to me? (My book about FOTTH is from 1989, so it was designed
>to help programmers of very slow computers - such as the TI-92)