Re: A92: Hello
Re: A92: Hello wrote:
> I haven't seen PreFargo. Does it do anything beside the standard
> #include,
> #define, #ifdef, #ifndef, etc?
Yes. It removes spaces and tabulators after commas (so you can write
move.w d0, d1 instead of the crunched move.w d0,d1). It has two
methods of macros: #define ... - macros and #equ - macros. (See
PreFargo's manual for the differences). It also supports some things,
I'm not sure, whether a normal C-precompiler would be able to do:
#define push_reversed(arg,argsize,next...) {
#ifdef next
#push_reversed (next)
move.|argsize arg, -(a7)
Can be used:
jsr tios::DrawStrXY
This will be precompiled to:
move.w #4, -(a7)
move.w #String, -(a7)
move.w #45, -(a7)
move.w #100, -(a7)
jsr tios::DrawStrXY
I don't believe, that your cpp can do this!
(Watch the PreFargo documentation for more examples of this kind)