Re: A92: Just a little problem
Re: A92: Just a little problem
Hugo Bernabé schrieb:
> > > I store a string in 'wfichier', I store a number
> > > to 'cpt', I store a char in 'd0': my problem is to
> > > store the char 'd0' in the string 'wfichier' at
> > > the character number 'cpt',and I didn't found how
> > > to: could anybody help me?
> > > Thanks!
> > > @+
> lea wfichier(pc),a0
> move.w cpt(pc),d1
> move.b d0,0(a0,d1.w)
> 12 bytes in memory, 8+12+14=34 cycles
> And what about:
> lea wfichier(pc),a0
> add.l cpt,a0
> move.b d0,(a0)
> 12 bytes in memory, 8+8+8=24 cycles and d1 is not used!
According to my list it's 8+12+8=28, then see below
> hugo
1) you won't need the variable cpt if you keep it in d1( or better d7, indeed)
2) speed of both seems to be the same according to my list, but you got to take
into account the time to adjust cpt or d1:
add.w #n,d1 : 12 cycles
add.w #n,cpt: 32 cycles, that's the point
so we got 34+12=46 cycles versus 28+32=60 cycles
and if you used d7 instead of d1 you probably won't even have to store
it anywhere A.K.