Re: A92: serious help here please


Re: A92: serious help here please

(c) and (d) sound just fine.  However, I think I speak for all of us here when
I say that it would really be nice to stick with just one shell.  a68k is good
assembler anyway, so I don't really know why you'd want to make your own, but
go ahead with that if you want to.  Is there anything specific about fargo
that you plan to make better by making your own shell?  If so, why don't you
raise those issues and we can discuss and resolve them as a community rather
than making another shell.  It's nice not to have to worry that you don't have
the right shell to run your programs.  And as one last issue, I don't think
that people here are trying to steal other people's ideas.  The way I see it
is that we're a whole community working together, not against each other.