Re: A92: random number
Re: A92: random number
Thank you, but I didn't mean that, actually. I just wanted to know the
algorithm to generate random numbers, for example with a pencil and a sheet
of paper, and then how to code this algorithm in assembly.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Arno Kizina <>
� : <>
Date : mardi 8 septembre 1998 02:14
Objet : Re: A92: random number
Philippe HUCK schrieb:
> Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment g�n�rer des nombres al�atoires ? Et en
> assembleur, �a donnerait quoi ?
> Does anybody know how to generate random numbers ? And in assembly, what
> would it be ?
> Merci. Thanx.
use flib::random or util::random with d0.w = upper limit that gives you a
random number 0..limit-1 A.K.