Re: A92: TI92 and DSP...


Re: A92: TI92 and DSP...

>	This is just an hypotesis, a weird idea... I think that u could
>easily remmber the old sega console called "genesis" in the States and
>"Megadrive", here in Europe. Games was his ROM and it had inside a
>Motorolla 68000 (and a Z80 to provide compatibility with the 8bits Master
>System). At the "end" of life of this console they made a wonderfull game
>ported from arcade machine; Virtual Racing. The game was very big and
>needed a lot of cpu power... And ingeneer from Sega put a DSP in the
>cartridge !
>	So this could be for me and other "weird-thinking-man" a great
>project for the future. We have the TI92, the Plus module that "offer" us
>the possibility to change the ROM by flash and, finally, acces to the
>68000 bus... So, i'll check if it is possible physicly (Hardware) and of
>course software. if it's possible it could be a work of ~1 year i think...
>It would be great if someone had hardware info about the DSP inside the
>cartridge, but i boubt it !
>	U could also put this message in the TI-hardware list because i
>don't have acces to it and i'm tired of doing it... :)

All thats possible.  How about a 128 instrument hardware wavetable DSP?
I'm working on one that connects through the link port...
