A92: Re: FPL - The Fargo Program Launcher


A92: Re: FPL - The Fargo Program Launcher

:Here is something I programmed some time ago... An alternate Fargo
:Program launcher that may replace the program `shell' that is executed
:when Shift+On is pressed. Although it isn't much bigger than FBrowser
:it has a lot more features:
: * runtime error redirection ("illegal instruction", "address
:   error" etc. won't crash your calc any more)
:        * tracks down memory blocks left allocated by the program and
:          asks the user whether to free them or not
:        * displays the required libraries of a program
:        * the browser is contained within a library, and can be used
:          by many programs - this may help to save memory in the
:          future

Could someone do the same thing for fargo II ? ( and for the ti92+ )

@+ et bon SURF
Et 1 .... et 2 ..... et 3 zé-ro
