A92: About Bin files.
A92: About Bin files.
Can anyone tell me out to use bin files ?
How to create them ?
What do they contain ?
In fact, I don't know much ( nothing ) about these files you can include
INCBIN ) in your Fargo Program.
I would like to know everything about these.
( For example, in Ghell. The Fargo program which is a Doom-Like. There is a
bin file. How is it used ? etc...).
ANOTHER THING ( I know, it makes a lot in one Post ).
How can i Create a file ( of any type ) while running a prog.
I read a lot about the way these files are stored in the memory ( Handles,
the way they are described, etc...), but I don't know how to create one
while the prog is running.
VIVES Fabien
( Enlevez NOSPAM pour me repondre ).
( Get NOSPAM off to answer me ).
ICQ : 16950211