A92: Receiving an ASCII-romdump with Serial link and TclTk
A92: Receiving an ASCII-romdump with Serial link and TclTk
Some time ago I joined the technical science course of our school, and
we're now learning TclTk. Last weekend I figured out, how you can
receive an ASCII romdump through the serial port (Graph Link cable)
with a TclTk script or directly from the console (Wish).
You'll have to do something like this:
## change this value, if necessary #
set Port "com2"
set src [open com2 r]
set dst [open "ti92.rom" w]
fconfigure $src -mode 9600,n,8,1 -blocking 0 -buffering none
-translation binary
proc Read {} {
global src dst
set r [read $src]
if {[string compare $src ""]} {
after 100 Read
puts -nonewline $dst $r
I hope this will help someone.
David Kühling