A92: Re: Re: 458738 bytes of archive memory!
A92: Re: Re: 458738 bytes of archive memory!
>:Here's the easy way to get 458K archive memory. For real! (I tested it
>Is there a same thing for the ti92 ? ( without any module )
There isn't. The modules in the 92 do not have enough memory to provide
458K (BTW, 458K does not eqaul 458738. 447.9K would be correct). AFAIK,
the 92 modules only have 128K (131072) Bytes of memory. And the ROM takes
up 61128 Bytes, leaving us only 69944 Bytes.
However, I wish we could get more memory. I'm not so sure that the 92+ is
a good move yet. The lack of documentation of assembler makes me think
that TI is simply screwing around with us, trying to break up the FARGO
project. I'd rather have the 92 and FARGO II with a lot of mem. Why
bother with FLASH memory... Oh boy!
Aaron Hill (Redmond, WA)
E-Mail: SeracOhw24@msn.com
IRC-Nick: Serac (EF-Net) (was SeracOhw)