A92: A92 : dkuehlin@hell1og.be.schule.de
A92: A92 : dkuehlin@hell1og.be.schule.de
To David Kühling
This address don't work ! Which is the good ?
There is an error decompression with xetal , and shell(doors) ?
Is that possible to do the same thing with text ?
About FPL , could you add a protection fonction , a text viewer and a
picture viewer ? Moreover , the possiblity to rename the files , delete ,
move , copy , quieckview them ?
You should add the memory available , the possibility to see what is
arriving by the I/O ( name of the program , number of octects .... )
PS : I've just try with games and it doesn't work at all ( idem for all the
protection programs ) ! Could you explain
me why ?