Re: A92: Sv: Real-time Syntax Highlighting Editor
Re: A92: Sv: Real-time Syntax Highlighting Editor
At 15:28 07/11/98 +0100, Mikkel Skovgaard wrote:
>I can recommend a editor called ultra-edit, it can do custom syntax
highlightning and auto ident and a lot more...
>I don't know if the source is available but it can do all the tasks needed
for 68000 programming, I have a button that starts the fargo.bat compiler
and if any errors occur you can click the error message made by Fargo and
UE will jump there...
> Kind regards..
> Mikkel Skovgaard - JeMi Web Design
> -
>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>Fra: Famille SCHERRER <>
>Til: <>
>Dato: 7. november 1998 14:37
>Emne: A92: Real-time Syntax Highlighting Editor
>> Hy,
>>I am making a real-time syntax highlighting editor for
>>Fargo Program Editor v2.0 under Win32.
>>The functions for drawing the formatted text are finished
>>and very fast. (I even think I will convert them to asm)
>>The only problem is that now I have to make the editor
>>component, with scrolling, selection, tab, .... and thousands
>>of other features.
>>I would like to know if someone had the source code of such a text
>>editor under Win32. I really NEED one ! So if you have one,
>>could you mail me ? and we could make a small team for
>>building the real-time Syntax Highlightin editor.
>>Or do you have any WEB adress where I could find it ?
>>It would be SO WONDERFUL !! If we have
>>a simple text editor, I could very easly add my
>>powerful real-time Syntax Highlighting functions.
>>I hope you will help me,
Thanks a lot !
Do you know where I could find that component ?
and is it free or not ?
thanks again