Re: A92: Re: FPL - The Fargo Program Launcher


Re: A92: Re: FPL - The Fargo Program Launcher

Priour Gaëtan wrote:
> : * runtime error redirection ("illegal instruction", "address
> :   error" etc. won't crash your calc any more)
> If we execute a program without runnig your program FPL ,  the error
> redirection won't crash my calc ?
> Or must I execute all my programs with FPL running ?
FPL only redirects ints while it is running a program. This is the only 
really save way to prevent errors from crashing your calc. Programs may
even abort with memory allocated. FPL will ask you whether to free it.
If you don't want to execute FPL from FBrowser, you can rename it to
shell, and it will then be executed when you press Shift+On.

> PS : You said in the helptext that we can give you some ideas , so you
> should add a protection when the clac is off .
>         You should add the possibility to run basic programs ( I know that
> will be difficult ! )

It will be inpossible unless the ROM function for executing basic files
is found.
