A92: Fargo II Question
A92: Fargo II Question
I have already done some FargoII programming. Now I want to draw specific
sprite data safed as b32,b33,...,b255 on the screen.
The numbers of the spritedata are similar to the Ascii-Code of the
"Code-String"(dc.b "0AHLMMM000MAA00")
I need a routine which goes through the CodeString letter by letter.The
Ascii Code of the Letter should be added to "b" to be able to call a regular
For Example the "Code-String" should safe b32 into a0 and afterwards call a
regular spritefunction(16*16). The Same with the second element of the
string(b65) and so on...(b72,b77,b77,b77,b32,b32,b32,b77,b65,b65,b32,b32)
Now I would like to know, how I can do somthing like that ? Thanks for any