Re: A92: fargo.txt


Re: A92: fargo.txt

Bryan Christopher Turner wrote:

>    It's a really complex way of saying that you don't need to know what it
> means, but it's nifty.  Basically, David added a couple of fields to the
> program header, each 4 bytes long, which contain some readable data like
> 'APPL', 'DLL ', and 'EXE '.  This data is examined by Fargo before running a
> program to be sure the data is correct.  If not, then the program is not run.
>  This way you can write programs and libraries which Fargo ignores but you can
> still call for yourself.
>    Very few people will need this feature, but  it's nice to have (my new OS
> may be using it for the libraries and module-linking, depending on how far I
> get).

You are working on a new OS?  What is it?

> --Bryan
