Re: A92: asm commands


Re: A92: asm commands

Trey Jazz wrote:

> actually i think you can hook the 81 up to puter through it, not totally
> sure but thats what i saw on the web somewhere. i think they only sell the
> link model to teachers
> >The TI-81 and TI-80 don't have link ports like the other TI-8x calcs..

Hrm, really?  Where did you hear that?  Well I just looked at the TI Graphing
Calculator Comparison Chat ( ), the 81
isn't on there because it has been discontinued, but the TI-80 can be hooked
up to the computer, but only on the viewscreen model.  I assume the 81 was
probably the same way.  Then I guess the viewscreen came with special link
software because there is none available for download on the web.

Bryan Rabeler <>
   File Archives
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