Re: A92: 92 external kbd
Re: A92: 92 external kbd
so are you going to sell these allready built?, and if so, how much $?
and how are the ports for the light flasher software coming along?
Grant Stockly wrote:
> >I'm really interested in this. But there are still some questions:
> >* Can the installation can be made by an amateur with a normal
> > soldering iron? (like me)
> If you can solder an IC, yes.
> >* Will the adaptor include a plug that will match the TI-92's linkport?
> Yes
> >* From where will the keyboard gain it's power? From a voltage
> > transformer, or a batterie?, Are special plugs neccessary for this?
> Battery... If you put it inside the keyboard (cut off the old cable) then
> you only need a TI cable (from mouser). If you put it in a box outside the
> kbd then you need a jack that accepts a kbd plug.
> >* Will I be able to connect the keyboard with the computer, when
> > I installed the chip?
> If its internal, and you spend alot of time building , I'm guessing yes. I
> just went to a computer store and they were having a free sale... :)