Re: A92: some fargo questions


Re: A92: some fargo questions

If you include flib.h, then you can get rid of the staus line (and clear the
screen quickly), using flib::zap_screen.
LCD_MEM is the address of the video screen
instead of using disp, i don't know if that is possible, but i don't know how
to use it anyway, you can use the following macro.  Just write this at the top
of your program, before _main.

	WriteStr        MACRO
  move.w  /3,-(a7)  ;this pushes the color to the stack
  pea        /4(pc)    ;this pushes the address to the string to output
  move.w   /2,-(a7)  ;this pushes the y position to the stack
  move.w   /1,-(a7)   ;this pushes the x position to the stack
  jsr     tios::DrawStrXY  ;this writes the string on the screen at x,y
  lea   10(a7),a7       ;this updates the stack pointer

then you use this with the following syntax...

WriteStr   #20,#10,#4,mystr(pc)

and at the bottom, declare your string

mystr:   dc.b   "Hello",0

This is more like output than disp, but you could make it into a disp by
keeping track of the y positions and scrolling.

To create variables that remain in memory, simply do not initialize them, they
will have the same value as when you last ran the program.
In order to create variables that TIBASIC will recognize, i think you use the
estack, there is a program incuded with the .zip file that demonstrates this,
called testfunc.
And yes, the best way to learn it is to read commented source code.  Look in
the archives.