RE: A92: 92 external kbd
RE: A92: 92 external kbd
>To attach an external keyboard, you would most likely have to build and
>adaptor and write a driver for it. In the driver is where you should
>remap the keys. BTW, it would be great if the user could change which
>keys do what. Yes, TSRs can be done on the TI-92. Personally, with
>enough information about the keyboard and linkport, I don't think it
>would be too hard to make something like this.
>>Does anyone know if you can input characters other than the ASCII set into
>>the 92? I wan't to make an external keyboard adaptor, and I know that you
>>can send the ascii for "a" for instance, and an "a" will pop up wherever
>>your cursor is. But can you send something to make the 92 think that 2nd,
>>or one of the Fkeys has been pressed? If not, is it possible to write a
>>small tsr for fargo that checks for this, and then does it for us?
If anyone is interested in writing the drivers, mail me privately. I'm
going to try to get an adaptor going this weekend.