
A92: TI-89 Screen size and FLASH memory (Again)

I'm not sure if you gleaned this from my last e-mail,
but I think it would sure be nice if the screen buffers
were the same size on the 89 as on the 92, just let
some of the space go unused on the 89.  It would
make things alot easier for us programmers.
(Please! :)

Anyway, the main thing I wanted to write about was
the flash memories.  Currently it is illegal to post
ROM images on the web, because you're not
supposed to use them unless you actually own
the calculator.  What's going to happen when TI
posts an update to the ROM on the web?  Won't
people be able to use that image?  Has TI thought
about this already?

Another thing, Shawn, is that we really don't want
you to leave this list or be moved to another part of
TI.  Tell TI that you need to stay here to make us
happy because we are the type of people who are
likely to buy the more expensive calculators, and to
buy several different calculators (make a collection ;),
and also are free advertising because we think that TI
calcs are really cool and tell our friends and they buy
them :)   (A friend of mine liked my 92 so much that he
bought one for himself)

     Daniel Plaisted

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