RE: A92: .Wav---->.92p
Yes, you are correct. When we code the calculators, we try
not to use HW specific instructions so that if Xilog ever stopped
making the Z80 (or just could not supply it to us in the quantity
we require), we could switch to another Z80 processor. In other
words, I believe that the Xilog Z80 has a HW multiply instruction
whereas the standard Z80 does not. Even though it is a great
computation savings, we did not use this feature so that it will
be portable to another Z80 based processor.
Shawn A. Prestridge
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Educational & Productivity Solutions
7800 Banner Drive MS 3908
Dallas, Texas 75251
(972) 917-1698
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"He's back... Kicking bottom or what?!?!" --Holly, Red Dwarf