

You are required to have a 92? Hhm! is this a private school?
I have nothing against doing tedious calculations with a calculator, that's what's
it's for, although mental arithmetic isn't emphasized nearly as much as it ought
to.  But I've found that when a calculator starts to replace conceptual knoweledge,
it becomes dertimental.

Ritchie Argue wrote:

> >All this talk about SATs is a bunch of garbage.  The calculators aren't even
> >required and aren't necessary on the SATs.  Even on the MATH II test the vast
> >majority of problems can be done without a calculator.  A friend of mine
> >forgot
> >his once and took that test and got like 750 (I got 800 with a calc).  As
> >far as
> >the Calculus AP test is concerned, if you can't do the math on it by hand (I
> >don't mean computations, but integrals, derivatives, trig identities, and just
> >algebra), then you probably shouldn't take the test, because that's the whole
> >point. I've been through advanced Calculus and differential equations now, and
> >can conclusively say that nothing more advanced than an 82 is needed.  (82 is
> >good because of graphing, list operations, and matrix operations (for linear
> >algebra))  I do own a 92 and think its a pretty neat thing, and I like to play
> >around with it.
> >
> >NDStein wrote:
> >
> >> I am a freshman in high school, and I know perfectly well what the SATs are.
> >> I can say for a fact that I never cared one bit about it not being
> >>allowed on
> >> the SATs.  If the TI-92 was sold with the plus module for the same price as
> >> the 89 in a store, I'd buy the 92 because of the higher resolution
> >>screen and
> >> stuff.  I got my TI-92 to do higher math, not so I could have an excuse for
> >> not knowing math on the SAT.
> nothing more than a pencil is _needed_ for all the math you'll ever do, but
> the point of the 92 is to lower  the time it takes you to do something.
> Unless the teacher rigs the questions so that all the computed values are
> nice and simple, the 92 helps alot.  I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't
> know the underlying principles of what's going on, but I sure as hell
> wouldn't want to do a de assignment without a 92.  There's several people
> in my class who aren't too fluent with a 92 (everyone is reqd to have one),
> but it's just agony watching them grind out stuff by hand, which can
> usually be accomplished in a couple lines of ti.  As long as you can still
> show how to do stuff if the teacher asks, then you'll be better off in the
> long run with a 92.
> Ritchie
> BTW, I live in canada, so the stuff about sats doesn't really apply to me.
> I guess the 89 is good if you're not allowed qwerty, but if they're easy
> enough to do in your head in the first place, all a calc will do is let you
> finish in half the time.  And on a test, that's not really that useful...
