

Then just don't buy it! I think the TI-89 was intended for people that 
didn't already have a TI-92, in which case, it can be a very good deal. It 
costs less than a TI-92 WITHOUT a Plus add-on, but it has it built in.

Jeff Tyrrill

-----Original Message-----
From:	Noah S Zoschke [SMTP:nzoschke@juno.com]
Sent:	Saturday, March 14, 1998 4:14 AM
To:	assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org
Subject:	Re: A92: TI ANNOUNCES NEW CALC!!!!!

Does this tick anyone else off?  I think that it is great that they are
making new calculators, but when they make ones that are almost exactly
the same as another, but add one or two extra functions, it seems to me
that they are just trying to make a few bucks...
Oh well...

- noah zoschke (nzoschke@juno.com)

On Thu, 12 Mar 1998 21:43:06 -0800 Jeff Tyrrill <Jeff_Tyrrill@msn.com>
>It's a TI-92 shaped like a TI-86, and it runs TI-92 and TI-92 Plus
>programs! Check it out!!
>(So you can use it on the SAT cause there's no QWERTY keyboard!)
>It has 500K of RAM (flash "archive" plus "real" memory), electronic
>upgradeability, ASM programming (don't know what processor, but I'd
>either Z80 or 68K), unit conversions like the 85/86, can link with 92s
>89s, 100*160 res display, multiple number bases. Since it runs TI-92
>programs, it must support everything the 92 supports, plus the 92-Plus
>pack, so it certainly competes with the 92! It lacks geometry, though.
>It'll be available in Fall 98 and cost $150.
>Jeff Tyrrill

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