

>I am a freshman in high school, and I know perfectly well what the 
>SATs are.
>I can say for a fact that I never cared one bit about it not being 
>allowed on
>the SATs.  If the TI-92 was sold with the plus module for the same 
>price as
>the 89 in a store, I'd buy the 92 because of the higher resolution 
>screen and
>stuff.  I got my TI-92 to do higher math, not so I could have an 
>excuse for
>not knowing math on the SAT.

i didn't say i'm buying the 89 because i want an excuse for not knowing 
math on the SATs, i just said that the ti company made them because of 
the SATs.  that was rude to say that, it sounded to me like you were 
putting down our intelligence of mathematics.  i've practically got a 
professional degree in mathematics, and i think everyone in here knows 
that 2+2=5 :)

i'm just playing around.  the SATs would be EASIER with a ti that can do 
everything for you, but i work with what i got, and since my SATs are 
coming up and the 89 doesn't come out till the fall or whatever then i'm 
not going to be using it anyway.


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