
Re: A92: TI-73

What is the 73 like?

- noah zoschke (nzoschke@juno.com)

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 15:37:40 -0600 sprestridge@ti.com writes:
>Well, the 92+ was in the works long before the 73, so technically
>the 92+ holds the title.  The 92 was the first architecture to utilize
>the eventual FLASH module.  Plus, I think that the 92+ is slated
>to ship a week or two before the 73 (if the schedules are right!).
>Shawn A. Prestridge
>Texas Instruments, Inc.
>Educational & Productivity Solutions
>7800 Banner Drive MS 3908
>Dallas, Texas 75251
>(972) 917-1698
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