
Re: A92: a92-a lot of questions

Robert Caldwell said:
>my intent was NOT to prove the calculator wrong.  i said "if anyone has
>this error post it," i didn't say "if you think you want to make
>yourself seem smarter please feel free to flame me all you want"...now i
>know that my calculator is wrong, and my version is different than yours
>so it might be in the version I WOULDN'T KNOW.

It's nice that your calculator is wrong, but what you have is a TI-BASIC
error, which would be more appropriately posted to the TI-BASIC mailing
list.  This list is for fargo programmers, who are probably not all that
interested in your BASIC problems.

>my intent was actually to ask for the E2, but it seems that the guy who
>produces it won't give me his address in order to send him money for
>it...OH WELL, and i was going to give him $50 for it just because i
>really needed it for the project that is inflating on my calc, but i
>guess you guys wouldn't know anything about true AI.

In your original message to the list, you stated:
>ok, let me start off by saying, I want an E2 for the TI-92, but first
>the producer has to e-mail me directly ( rc_ware@hotmail.com ) about
>what i am getting altogether (books, e2, etc.), and how much it costs
>for the books if they are sold separately.

Why should the producer expend more of his energy than he already has
creating the EII, to mail you, and inform your dumb ass to the particulars
of the EII.  It's fairly clear from the FAQ he posted as to what you get,
and if you have a question after reading that, it's up to _you_, not him,
to mail and ask.  How is he supposed to know to mail you if you have a
silly question?  Also, we (at least I) do know about true AI.  I'm not sure
how you come to the conclusion that we don't, given that you really need
the EII for a project that is inflating on your calc.  For one thing, true
AI's aren't written in TI-BASIC.  Secondly, you had better sort out your
formal logic before you start writing AI's, as they depend heavily on it.

>anyway...i need someone who can teach me asm in ti92, and if no one will
>then you all suck...you only sit behind your screen thinking "i know a92
>and i'm going to get somewhere in life."

Why will we suck if we choose not to teach you 68k asm?  There are many
books out there on the subject, and there is extensive information on the
particulars of the 92, should you get that far.  I hope no one on this list
is willing to teach you asm, because your pretentious attitude sucks.  We
don't suck, and sitting behind a screen thinking "I know a92" does mean we
will get somewhere in life.  Having the initiative and wherewithal to learn
assembly language is a quality that you don't possess, and it will help us
get further in all aspects of life.  Not to mention that 68k assembler _is_
a popular microcontroller language, and knowing it, and asm in general, is

>Scratch Designs

I don't really care that you have a software company named after you, and
that your the president.  Obviously it can't be very good software if you
don't know any assembler.

>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Also, if you're the president of a company, you can probably afford an
email address that doesn't spam the bottom of every piece of mail that you

