
Re: A92: EII feature list

This message was priviate, but to anwser other peoples possible questions,
I'm going to cross post it.


>I first planned, to buy a E I, but now I see, that it was right to wait
>for E II.
>It sounds really genious, what you wrote about it.

The EII is much better...  :)

>I have some questions: Is it now possible, to send backups to the TI-92?

No.  The driverless EIII will have this support.

> You wrote, that you are working on connecting a floppy with the TI-92.
> When will this be available? (Why buy a E II with Flash ROM now, when a
> version that uses much cheaper 31/2 disks will be available soon?)

The first version will probably be a 5 1/4 floppy.  You don't have to worry
about the version of the E (II or III) since the hardware addons will be
compatible with each.

>Just imagine: Send a backups from a disk drive to the TI-92, would just
>be like
> booting a computer from a floppy. With the right programs, the TI-92
> become completely independent from a Computer!

I know...if we could do it through the rom, we could hack the Mac OS to run
on the 92...  :)