
A92: virus

i've read somewhere just a few seconds ago that there's a way to create 
a StoPic/RclPic virus.  well, i'd like to just say i've found another 
way to create a virus.  i'm not trying to hurt anybody, but i did this 
to actually check how many interloops a 92 calculator can give and it 
created a freezeup:

define virus()=prgm
:lbl over
:goto over

i can't remember if i put the goto over inside or outside the 
else/endtry part.  well how i originally had this was to add 1 to a 
counter until it produced an error and quit then printed out that 
number, but silly of me to put a goto statement.  there was an error in 
my "a92-a lot of questions" for the RCD error, i forgot a parantheses 
and i might have gotten the second formula wrong, you'll have to do it 
yourself if you have the ti-92 because i don't feel like doing it over 

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