Re: A92: HP 48GX And TI92


Re: A92: HP 48GX And TI92

On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, Evan Felix wrote:

I have both the ti-92 and the hp48GX:

        I find that I use the hp48Gx much more then the 92.  The people
tell you that it is hard to use and only to keep it for the games
obviously haven't taken the time to read the manule or learn how to use it
The hp48 is very easy to use once you learn the basics. You can customize
keyboard to fit your needs, which you can't do with the 92. I had my ti92
it first came out and I found that the hp48Gx was much
easier and better to use after one month of using it.  The Hp48 And about
the hp48GX kills any other calculator on the market today.  You can
upgrade to 256K the user ram by buying a ram card for about 25$.  And you 
can get up to an aditional 4 megs of port memory by buying a ram card.
you can get a 1 meg ram card for 70$.  I would buy a 128k ram card for 25$
a 1 meg card for 70$ instead of a plus module any day.  As far as being
and engineering oriented I think the hp48Gx has a better platform.  There 
are numerous programs to imporve the hp48GX. You can change the stack
area to display in pretty print format.  There are exelent symbolic and
shareware programs such as alg48 and earable that are superior to the 92's
symbolic capabilities.  before you sell your gx if oyou decide to I would 
go to http:\  there are numerous programs there I think you
will find as I have that the quantity and quality of math and science 
supprt programs for the hp48 to be much greater then the math programs 
for the 92.  ever since I built my link for my gx and got some ram cards
my 92 has been collecting dust. I only use my 92 for games

> Is anybody using both an HP 48 and the TI-92 at the same time?? 

> I have aTI-92, and was planning on getting th plus module when it
> becomes availible.  I was just given A hp48 GX and am wondering if I
> should keep it, or sell it? 

> What are the opinions on this group. 

> Evan
> --
> *------------------------------------------*
>  Evan J. Felix
>  USU Research Foundation Space Dynamics Lab
>  Data Processing Center
> *------------------------------------------*
