A92: ASM program format on TI-92 Plus


A92: ASM program format on TI-92 Plus

The ASM program type format (.9XZ extension in Graph-Link) is shown below.  This type shouldn't have the limits that the exec function did.  Now all we need is RAM addresses...
Offset  Size  Description
0x0     0x8   "**TI92**" signature
0x8     0x2   01 00
0xA     0x8   Folder name
0x12    0x28  File description text
0x3A    0x6   01 00 52 00 00 00
0x40    0x8   File name
0x48    0x4   File type (0x12)
0x4C    0x4   File size (entire file)
0x50    0x6   A5 5A 00 00 00 00
0x56    0x2   ASM program size (from 0x58 on not including checksum)
0x58    ?     ASM program (binary)
?       0x1   Signate byte -- MUST BE 0xF3
?       0x2   Checksum from 0x56 on
