Re: A92: 2 Questions on Fargo II
Re: A92: 2 Questions on Fargo II
>My new program reads directly the keyboard because the interrupts are
>offline. After ending the program the system always prints the last key
>pressed. How can I stop this?
Just write:
clr.w tios::kb_vars+$1C
or maybe:
clr.w tios::kb_vars+$1E
I think this should work.
>Who knows a spriteroutine which uses gray4lib and can use the bin-files from
>spritemaker? It should be able to paste the sprite at each row not only
>every 16th.
You can use the putsprite routines from our graphlib library.
They are documented in graphlib.h
You can paste the sprite at each row, and use them with gray4lib with the
following code:
move.w #1,graphlib::choosescreen ;when this variable is different from
;0, then you can choose the adress of the 'destination screen' in
;every function of graphlib. It is the a1 parameter
;so with gray4lib you can do:
move.l gray4lib::plane0,a1 ;a1 is the adress of one bitplane
move.w #10,d0 ;x coordinate
move.w #15,d1 ;y coordinate
clr.b d3 ;%00000000 is the mask for all your sprite. Look at
;graphlib.h for more infos
lea sprite(pc),a0 ;load the adress of one bitplane of your sprite
jsr graphlib::put_sprite_mask ;paste the sprite
With that you pasted one bitplane of your sprite.
You can do the same with the other bitplane.
Don't forget to write at the end of your prog :
clr.w graphlib::choosescreen
because this is the 'default' mode (it automatically loads LCD_MEM as
destination adress)
There are two putsprite routines:
With the 1st one, you have to define a mask into your sprite
With the 2nd one, you define in d3.b a mask for all your sprite
(Again, look at graphlib.h for the sprite format)
I hope this can help !
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