A92: Re: Re: Fargo Pascal V0.8.10
A92: Re: Re: Fargo Pascal V0.8.10
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: MXM-TriX <alexander.grutsch.htlr@schulen.vol.at>
>An: assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org>
>Datum: Freitag, 19. Juni 1998 12:35
>Betreff: A92: Fargo Pascal V0.8.10
>>To all programmers:
>>Fargo Pascal 0.8.10 is out! Get it from our homepage ( new address )!
>>New features
>> * Floats
>> * repeat .. until
>> * if .. else
>> * multidimention arrays
>> * Exception handler is in work
>>Who can help me with the exception handlers ( the program should stop,
>>an error, like "Division by Zero", happens )
>In your ZIP-Package on ticalc.org and on your own homepage there isn´t
>right macros.fpm file.(there is no ftoa macro)
>It would be great if you can send me the correct MACROS.FPM
>my address is 7hofer@netway.at
>Thank you.
No, He should send it to the list instead.