A92: Fargo and ER_throw
A92: Fargo and ER_throw
Just yesterday I programmed a little Fargo programm, that gets a filename
passed through a string parameter (e.g. proggie ("var\folder")). To
error messages I used tios::ER_throw <nnn>. The problem that
was, that after this programm was aborted the first time by the ER_throw
exception, shift+On didn't started FBrowser any more. When I restarted
the programm, without causing an error, it returned normally, and Fargo
shift+On worked. Now I'm using
move.w #<nnn>,-(a7)
jsr tios::ER_dialog
addq.l #2,a7
instead. (unfortunately this is takes more memory :-( )
Does anybody of you know, why tios::ER_throw causes problems?
(Bug in Fargo???)
David Kühling