Re: A92: Favorite Game vote
Re: A92: Favorite Game vote
>Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 08:47:45 +0200
>From: "David K�hling" <>
>Subject: Re: A92: Favorite Game vote
>Mikkel S�rensen wrote:
>> As planned here are the results of the "What's your favorite Fargo
>> game?" voting booth, sorry for the text layout, but i didn't want to
>> send it in html. I might do the next time if you guys want it?
>> Please visit my sponsor, they help keep my expences down at
>> Votes | Choice
>> -----------------------------------+---------------------------------
>> 7 | Phoenix
>> 5 | Jezzball
>> 4 | Supercar
>> 4 | Tetris
>> 3 | SameGame
>> 3 | Sorbo's Quest
>> 2 | Falldown
>> 2 | MXM AirFights
>> 2 | Rusty's Ult. Solitaire
>> 2 | TIwolf
>> 2 | Tunnel
>> 1 | Bingo
>> 1 | Boulderdash
>> 1 | DragoN III
>> 1 | Dungeon 3D
>> 1 | Dyna'92 2
>> 1 | FInvaders
>> 1 | Minesweeper
>> 1 | MXMfall
>> 1 | Nibbles
>> 1 | Pacman
>> 1 | Sprint
>> 1 | Tinx 2
>> 1 | Tron
>> 1 | Tunnl
>> 1 | World in 3D
>Now, when I see this, I remember, that a lot of these programms don't
>run on
>256K TI-92 of TI-92 +, due to the direct keyboard matrix access. Even
>Boulder Dash (that I think is the best of all games that run on my 256K
>has sometimes problems, that it switches the contrast, when I press the
>left arrow
>key. Please anyone of you who programms: Use
>move.l (a7), (a7)
>move.l (a7), (a7)
>to pause after you accessed the keyboard matrix. This is the minimum
>delay, that
>doesn't cause any trouble.
> David K�hling
I know about the TI92+/II problem but I have no business with the listed
programs, I just have a TI92(+/II) fargo sited where I have a vooting
booth for favorite program. I have an agreement with Bryan R.(the adm.
of this mail list)that I post the result every month, so the list
members can keep up to date, but why don't you go visit my site for more
Kind regards...
Laze - Mikkel Skovgaard
- Webmaster at FargoFiles
- Webmaster at Troll Company
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