Re: A92: HP 48GX And TI92
Re: A92: HP 48GX And TI92
Emeric VERNAT wrote:
> I agree with Christophe Fondacci, I had two HP48 and I'm glad to have sell my
> HP48SX. Actually, I use my HP48GX only in school courses in my bag below books. My
> TI92 is on top of my desk with my PC.
> In comparison my HP48 is really small and uneasy to use.
> Moreover, the TI92+ will have much more memory than HP48. (But only a HP48-X with a
> card can have reset-protected programs for instance).
> Emeric VERNAT
> ICQ 12435859
> Evan Felix a �crit:
> > Is anybody using both an HP 48 and the TI-92 at the same time??
> >
> > I have aTI-92, and was planning on getting th plus module when it becomes
> > availible. I was just given A hp48 GX and am wondering if I should keep it, or
> > sell it?
> >
> > What are the opinions on this group.
> >
> > Evan
> >
> > --
> > *------------------------------------------*
> > Evan J. Felix
> > USU Research Foundation Space Dynamics Lab
> > Data Processing Center
> > *------------------------------------------*
I still got both TI-92 and HP 48 GX, and I gonna stay like this, at least until I got
the plus module and I'm sure it works properly ( especially regarding resets ! ).
Indeed I only use my HP for units conversions, browsing its database and things
I already got on it; I also use it to program some algorithms with which RPL deals
quite well ( even if this language is sometimes heavy and boring).
Regarding data storage, on this day, my opinion is that the HP is still the surest :
expansion cards may be locked and are reliable ( even if the machine itself is easy to
jam ) , while the TI offers absolutely no protection ( may be the Extender-uP could
be a solution, but I didn't test it, so I can't promise anything).
That's all, bye.