Re : Re: A92: learning assembly - real simple question


Re : Re: A92: learning assembly - real simple question

Dans un courrier daté du 30/07/98 10:31:45  , vous avez écrit :

>  so when you say that a byte has two digits, that is the hex ($00-$FF) which
> in
>  binary it is 00000000-11111111.  So you could say that if a byte was in 
> binary
>  that it would have 8 bits (digits)

Well, a bit is not a digit. 
A bit is the elementary brick of all computers. A byte is composed of 8 bits
which can be represented by 8 digits if you use base two ( binary ) and by 2
digits if you use base 16 (hexadecimal)

Mathieu, <>