Re: A92: Conversion...Possible?


Re: A92: Conversion...Possible?

Well.  I suppose we could try, but there would be some problems, that an emu
wouldn't have.  I believe z80 is little endian, I think that could cause a
problem.  With an emu all programs are guarenteed to work.  We might be able
to do a better job if we had the source code, but still...see, often programs
store some data at the end of themselves.  Now, if our converter thinks that
data is code, which it easily could, the data would be converted from whatever
it would be in z80 code to whatever it would be in 68k, and then it would no
longer be the right data.  They keyboard matrix and LCD mem and stuff is
different from the 92.  Since there are so many ways people could use them, it
would be hard to adapt that.  For instance, I believe it's safe to say that
99.9999% of programs directly access the lcd mem.  Now, even if we could
change it to access the 92's lcd mem address instead, it would still cause a
problem because the 92's screen is bigger.  If a program thinks it's writing
to the second line of the lcd, on the 92 it would be somewhere on the end of
the first line.  I don't think it would be possible to make a program designed
to convert any 85 program fix things like that.  However, and emu wouldn't
have any of those problems, though it could be quite slow.  However, a good
programmer may be able to do it well, I dunno...