A92: Conversion...Possible? ticalc.org
A92: Conversion...Possible? ticalc.org
All the calc with built in assembly have a tons of good games for
them.(86 83). Now with fargoII we will have better ones though some
were outstanding all ready. But with all this I would think someone
would try to make a converter from 86 assembly to 92 fargoII. At first
you might only have the resonution that the 86 or 83 has but still you
could maybe run them on the 92. It might be a lot of work but a simply
DOS program could change the mem addresses to work with fargo and leave
the screen as it for now. Just think 100's of programs for the 92 with
one program.
PS I certainly can't do it so I don't expect anyone to waste a liftime
doing it but I know some of you have a very strong programming
background.(also if this would go then with 92 plus it would probally
even be easier with TI deisigning both of them.)