Re: A92: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Fargo 0.2.4 released w/ preinstalled backup
Re: A92: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Fargo 0.2.4 released w/ preinstalled backups on
At 12:10 AM 1/17/98 -0500, Dennis Ng wrote:
>One suggestion, hold your revisions at least for three days...
>i've had to recompile my programs each day, to test them.
>AND most of the other programmers don't appreciate it either.
>And, we gots to download new versions too, which aren't
>really appreciated...
>We luv you david, and we appreciate the perfections you
>are making, but keeping these features under sheets until
>you've made alot of progress would be better.
>--Dennis Ng, just turned 14-year-old obsessed fargo programmer.
Now that really hurts. Here I went almost a year without releasing a new
version of Fargo, and I got complaints. Now I'm releasing one almost every
day, and I got a complaint. I just can't win.
What's even more ironic is that I wasn't even PLANNING on releasing a
0.2.4. I was working on 0.3.0, a major upgrade that will probably take me a
fair amount of time to finish. Then I saw a message on A92 reporting a bug
in the tios pseudolibrary -- WinOpen on ROM 2.1. So I undid all my
0.3.0-specific changes (keeping backups of course) and fixed the bug, then
called it 0.2.4 and released it. I just really HATED the idea of waiting to
finish a major upgrade version while making everybody with ROM 2.1 wait to
get a bug fix which took me all of five seconds to do.
So, you sure picked a hell of a time to complain.
What's more -- Fargo II is currently in alpha. If you don't like being at
the Bleeding Edge, don't download ANY new versions of Fargo until it
reaches beta. It's as simple as that.
Also, I do not understand why you are complaining about recompiling your
programs. It's not like it takes three hours to compile a 15K Fargo
program. We're not dealing with the Linux kernel here. Is your schedule so
crammed that you can't even spare 10 minutes a day to check if your
programs still compile and run?
Sorry if this message seemed a bit harsh, but you really struck a nerve.
I'm sure you meant well, but I really don't appreciate it at all.
David Ellsworth
IRC: eXocomp
ICQ: 2300673