A92: Addendum to what I said earlier
A92: Addendum to what I said earlier
Damnit, accidentally pressed "Send queued messages" before I was done.
I just wanted to add two things to what I said earlier (in the message
titled "Re: A92: Rom dump? ATTN: Shawn Prestridge"):
1) I know that ROM 1.0 was released in Europe. That would make 13 ROM
versions, but then again Shawn did say "..in the US" so I suppose this
doesn't contradict it.
2) The ROM 2.1 image also contains what look like compressed files. Some of
them look like compressed text files. All of this stuff, including the
object files and C code, pad the image from $4D2200 to $4FFFFF. The ROM
then continues from $500000. This seems to support the hypothesis that it
was simply uninitialized memory that somehow got into the final ROM image.
David Ellsworth
IRC: eXocomp
ICQ: 2300673