Re: A92: Rom dump?


Re: A92: Rom dump? wrote:

> What they mean is a backup image of the 92.  If you have a
> GraphLink cable (which should be available from the same
> place at which your 92 was purchased), you can download
> the 92 GraphLink software from the TI Web Site and be able
> to send and recieve data from the calculator.  One of the things
> that you can send and recieve is a backup of the calculator.
> When they say "Rom Dump", they mean a backup of the 92.
> There are 12 versions of the 92 in the US, and you can only
> restore the version you have.  In a nutshell, what Fargo does
> is play off of a bug in the 92 GraphLink software.  David Ellsworth
> figured out that if he did a backup of his 92, and then stuck
> some machine code at the end of it, he could send the whole
> thing to the 92.  When the 92 hits the end of memory, it starts
> overwriting the first sectors of memory, which allows him
> virtually unlimited access to all areas of the calculator - some
> of which we really wish he didn't!!  But as other Fargo programmers
> have experimented from time to time with the same phenomenon,
> they occasionally screw up their backup.  The 92 will only allow
> a backup of the same version to be restored to the calc, so that
> is why you will see people calling for a rom dump of a particular
> version.  To see which version you have, from the home screen,
> press <F5>, then the green diamond, and then the <(> key.  To
> get back to the home screen, press <APPS> and then <ENTER>.
> Shawn A. Prestridge
> Texas Instruments, Inc.
> Educational & Productivity Solutions
> 7800 Banner Drive MS 3908
> Dallas, Texas 75251
> (972) 917-1698
> (972) 917-7103  FAX
> "He's back...  Kicking bottom or what?!?!"  --Holly, Red Dwarf

Isn't a romdump a dump of the ROM and a backup a dump of the RAM?

Bryan Rabeler <>
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