Re: A92: getting a ROM-dump
Re: A92: getting a ROM-dump
Actually, the program dumps from $400000-$4FFFFF, and that is precisely 1MB.
I recieved and converted a romdump again with no problem with
HyperTerminal. Here are the settings that I used and the size of the
recieved file:
Direct to (com port)
9600 bps
hardware flow control
Emulation- Minitel
All other settings should be default (most of the above are default).
ASCII File: romdump.txt (or whatever): 1.14 MB (1,198,377 Bytes)
After "romconv romdump.txt ti92.rom,": 1.00 MB
Best of luck,
Rob Bonstein
At 04:48 PM 1/14/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Robert Bonstein wrote:
>> After recieving the ASCII Rom Dump, you have to run ROMCONV.EXE on it
>> (the
>> program is included with Fargo)
>> Ta,
>> Rob Bonstein
>I'm not stupid, of course I did it!, but when the romdump-program sends
>all rom from$200000 to $4FFFFF, that will be 3MByte, romconv couldn't
>change this.